Thursday, February 23, 2006

One of Us

Today. It's been somewhat special. I don't know. Is it. Or not. Suddenly. I get some clarity. As I enjoy doing something I really enjoy. I look around. There's this person. A loner. Maybe he knows he's lonely. But whether or not he knows the reason behind it is another thing. Maybe he does. Maybe not. No one knows. But this sudden rush fills me. Maybe 20 years down the road, I may not remember his name, even if I were to browse through my blog, and thoroughly.

However, I hope that day doesn't arrive, and it never comes across me, for any similar case. I want to make a difference. I wanna give something to the people around me, to the people around me. You can call it love. You can give it a name, the so-called Care. Whatever the noun, It won't be able to fully define, explain and describe it. 'Cause this thing, is what makes the world go around. What comes around, goes around. What is gonna happen, eventually will be so. It's all down to me. One person, one brave man. It's all that I need in my life. I'm gonna change the way things seem to be. It all starts from the heart, and it begins from here.

23rd Feb 2006, this is all I've got for you. I'm never gonna see you again. I might miss you. But i guess not. The future is an unknown. Like those who solve mysteries, like those who unveil theories, I'm looking forward to it as much as y'all do. Perhaps even more. 24th Feb 2006, I'm coming.

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