Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Seize it tight in your hands

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain, American novelist/writer/lecturer (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910)

RE: Contents of your life

Seize it tight in your hands.
The present.

A life living for others ain't a life worth living for..

If you consider yourself as a brainless door
A painless whore, a sex tool to serve desperate bachelors
Never met happiness until she retires
Who ever conducted her to set her desires on fire
Models in magazines, she only admires
And gets back to life satisfying sexual desires
I'm twining this movie scene back to modern society
Where you'd get to see the complete complexity
First and third worlds, separated by these subtle screens
Disgusted, ignorant as can be in scuttled scenes
You can say I'm exaggerating, but I'm literal
I'm nothin' but the truth, proof, this example's simple

When I open my mouth, ample examples tape your mouth
Simple mathematics, the system's systematic
I'm asthmetic, if you see runners become dope addicts
It's hard and strict, rules making you become convicts
Be a prick, if you still can't figure out then suck a dick
Get a nick, maybe you can see our king's sick
He wants to rip you apart, slash your hearts - that's his art
Play your part, realise your life's set as a chart
Flick a brick with tricks, see how quick the clock clicks and ticks
Most of our lives been spent satisfying the sick
It's sick, they've been ripping benefits and we go through this shit?
The times spent in the office, but why can't we just quit?

If we could all just relax, sit back and think about it
Quit our jobs, settle for something we can commit
Twenty years down the road, see the life story we unfold
Then there's no reason we should end up as scapegoats
Danger, risk, every rhyme is a weapon, is a dagger
But the truth rejoices, I'll rather roll than stagger
We can all hear silence in every voice, the future poise
Loneliness in darkness, choiceless in every choice
So the next time you see fucking screens in front of your face
Save yourself from wasting life away in this place
If anyone wanted speed in their fucking life to succeed
Then well you could aimlessly heed what the greed needs

.. The cherished present, the relished future..

The present is gratifyin', everyday is satisfyin'
I reached for her hand and held it tight, the feelin' so mystifyin'..
It's unbelievable, but I've never came closer than this
Man in bliss, this chance probably never comes closer, I can't miss
When I reminisce about my sad past, mistakes, I won't repeat
I'm not gonna be a victim for another case of deceit
I don't promise, I don't owe to no god no dogs, no clocks no time
I'm not sure she's mine, but I know that she drives me outa my mind
From the first time we met, we started closer than close, love I suppose?
So this was the path we chose, only we know, our story forms prose
How I used to change my targets like changing clothes, but now I know
No matter where I go, my emotion has grown, so let's just start.. Slow.

23rd October 2006

1 comment:

I-magz said...

this might be biased, it's an adaptation from "2/3?"

its existance came to a halt two years back when the crossroads loomed as a matter of fact
what potential them bonds yielded shuffles a deck, yet the seeming unity was never intact.
time bypasses like a chance untaken, fast and swift it renders the class broken
the versatile ones are ironically unawakened, personifying the fe-nine forsaken.

Come what may they might proclaim, nothing instils fear to the tamed.
bless the devastation of its "fame", rid it of all and any blame
it is holy and respected above the mortal plane, fools feel good by the magnus' maim