Saturday, July 15, 2006

Birthday, CCA Farewell Dinner and the biggest fact

Yesterday was my birthday.
Sorry for posting so late, cause I was totally exhausted from CCA Farewell Dinner.
The dinner was quite nice I must say. Except for some parts. But well.. Yea.

But nvm.
First of all I'd like to thank those who have given me presents for my birthday. Not that presents/ gifts really matter to me. I'm not that type of materialistic person either. So yea.
Here goes.

  • 筑楓:
謝謝你的卡片!真的好久沒收到生日卡片了。每次都是收到生日禮物,但是都沒收到生日卡片。其實,生日禮物對我來說,比不上寫在生日卡片上的祝賀=) 一張生日卡片上,你的心意,我能深深地感受到。雖然一張卡片或許不值少錢,但上面寫了你心中最真心的話,卻成了寶物。=)

不過,我真得很想說,你可能真的還不夠了解我.. 雖然有些難聽,但我覺得我們其實沒那麽熟..不過我們因爲都是臺灣人喲~!


聽説郁辰和 michelle 他們也要去臺灣..到時就一起去吧!=)


  • Cadence

Hey thanks for the Snickers! Although it was rather. Erm. Abrupt, but it's still very nice of you for that. I won't bear to eat it. It'll be kept in my fridge until. Erm. The day before the expiry date? Lolx. But yea. Very much appreciated. =)

  • You (and ur friend?)

I try to avoid you. Coz the sight of you, your messages, your things, everything about you.. Are so reminiscent about the things you have said.. I dont wanna see you again. It really hurts. But nonetheless, you still gave a present.. Something you promised. For once. You have kept your promise. But what hurts me the most was that it wasn't given to me directly. It had to passed to me by someone else. Now what is it that you're implying? You're too ashamed to see me? Now look who's more ashamed?

This is the most excruciating birthday gift I have received in my whole entire life.. 'cause you don't know how much it hurts, when it'll come down hard on you. But still, I'll try to learn all the songs asap.. And maybe one day.. I'll play for you.. If you give me the permission to do so.

I'd just like you to know.. Everytime you say something, you mean something else. I don't wanna play these kinda mind games anymore. When I sms you, you try to cut-short the conversation. Now what am I supposed to do when you keep doing that? I've had enough of all these.. I'm tired of your nonsense. You liar.

The CCA Farewell Dinner was great.
Organisation was great, everything worked out well and smoothly.. The best part of all was the birthday cake part.. So emotional! Thanks Diana for making it happen! =) Hmm.. I didnt know that Han Kuan's Birthday was this Sunday! =) Now at least I know.

The gifts given out were absolutely wonderful! The card was equisite, the pen was very nice! Y'all even went as far as printing the words 'Temasek Shooting Club' on the pen! Parker brand somemore! =)

However.. The CCA Farewell Dinner also reminded me of one big fact that many fail to realise.. I hope those who read this blog will understand and think about this fact:

Everyone is alone.

Throughout the whole dinner and ceremony.. I realised that.. Many people are alone. Appearing sociable, chatting loudly away in one corner.. And in the other.. People being left out. Lonesome, looking dejected. And those kids who fail to do the admixture, solitaire, making it obvious. But it was too.. For the rest. People try to hide the loneliness in them. But nothing escapes me. Now think about it. And a sense of regret fills within me to leave the lower sec kids out.. So much for Mr Soh treating us the dinner. And this is how we repay back. =x hais..

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