Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I opened my eyes, only to see darkness in my eyes..
Fear slowly engulfs me.. Like a stab straight into my thighs
Pain.. I couldn't see a thing.. Blink! Now let me see something!!
But all I could see was the night.. Whatever happened to my sight?
Stupid questions flowed into the back of my brain.. Am I insane?
I tried to stand up.. I'm just blind am I not? But why am I lame?
On the bed, paralyzed, now all I could do was visualise
My world.. Lonely and Empty.. Now I tried to fantasize..

I was once criticised for crucifying the handicapped..
Zap!!! Now I'm one of them.. It's hard to even take a nap
Because that's when nightmares haunt me, the illusion that I see
So daunting, then it collapses to become reality..
My family, my friends vanish in thin air.. There.. Memories..
It's sad to see, that you can't see, and everything is radio
It's sad to be me, now that I can't see, images on stereo
Frequency, am I supposed to detect? Mirror.. Please reflect!

The silence in the night drowns me, alone, loneliness kills
When I pick up the receiver to call, no reply still
All alone, quiet, then my dying brain cells went on a riot
Vulnerable, anyone can deceive, who shall I believe?
I was naive, love from the world was what I perceived
I was relieved to have my choices sieved, now I'm grieving
They say my only disadvantage's anger mismanage
Broke out in cold sweat, I was blind-folded standing onstage..

The world was my only stage, "LET ME OUT OF THIS CAGE!"
As aging hits like raging blitz, degeneration-engage!
Shh.. Silence spoke in sentences... "Shit! My body can't take this stroke!"*
God's toying with you, life's playing with you, can't take this joke?
Emotionless, I was instantaneously motion-less
Momentarily speechless, wanted to cry, but screech-less
We had what we were given, we thought we would be forgiven
But we forget we're even, till the day we're driven to heaven..

"Whatever our individual troubles and challenges may be, it’s important to pause every now and then to appreciate all that we have, on every level"..

'Cause you never know when you'll lose all that you have..Treasure.Witnessing stupid things that happened just right in front of me during my adscolent years has got me to realise that you don't always get what you deserve to get, and sometimes, you get what you don't deserve to get.. 'Cause life is unfair.

Ever thought of being blind for just a day? I've lived with a blind, and I know how tough life is without functioning eyes.. Not only is she sickly, she can't get to live with even her own daughter.. Her dearest daughter has migrated overseas.. She thinks her daughter was happily married.. That's why she's happy for her.. She thinks her biggest achievement was to allow her dearest daughter total freedom in whatever she chose in life, in hope that she can live the way she wants.. And be happy.. But her daughter often quarrels with her husband, to a point she once told me that she had divorce in mind.. But decided to hang on for her children..

The blind's biggest joy was her daughter's 'joy'. Now imagine how she'd react if she discovers that her daughter regrets migrating.. And she wants to go back to live with her sickly mother, but she can't. Now we all know how fair life is, but maybe, that's what makes life an obstacle, a challenge.. You can't predict when's your last night, your last 'goodbye' to your family, your friends, to simple things like your eyes. But what we can do to make life an enriching one, is treasure.

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