Saturday, January 05, 2008


So 2008 started with the departure of another friend - Pat.

I didn't really feel anything when she left initially, I just felt it was a part and parcel of everyone else; everyone had to leave someday.

Then suddenly reality came down on me.

O.G.27 has been splitted up.

How Pat used to tell me that WeiQi reminded us OGs wouldnt last till June. She was right - partially. At least a few of us tried real hard to keep in touch with one another.

  • Yu Chuan: I did hang out with YC sometimes, occassionally once in a while. We even went to watch fireworks the other time. Ha!
  • Pat: The random smses. Even though they can be real short sometimes, it can be heart-warming to know at least she's making an effort to keep in touch with her friends, no matter how difficult it can be in a difficult time like in JC.
  • Jing: My penpal!
  • Ji Soo: Well I don't exactly really know her, but she's a nice person! I hope we'd get to celebrate her birthday this year or smth. One year passes so fast! To think the other time Yu Chuan and I treated JiSoo, Jing and Mandy to Gelare. Ha.

So there were so many things we did together, although there really wasnt much time for us to hang out together.

But we did! That was what's important - the memories! But it seems everyone's just got on with their own lives.

How how I felt so bad and saddened when I saw the new batch of JC1s. Is it just another cycle of what we had? I don't know. Everyone's left the O.G., although I'll still of course, try to get everyone to keep in touch. YuChuan especially, since he used to be the 'head' of the O.G. ha.

And now that the next batch isn't gonna have PAE, whether that is a bad thing or not remains to be seen.

The first week of school hasn't been a pleasant one - forget about having a fun one. The only thing I could take pride from was that a few of us went to the gym together to train. I hope I'll be able to pass my NAPFA minimum requirements this year. I certainly do not want to waste anymore time doing things that aren't worth my effort and time.

I'm not happy with life here, I don't know what else there's for me to look forward to. But so long as I'm well and alive, I think I shouldn't complain. I should just concentrate and focus to think about my future - university choices of course. And before I can even think or talk about that, I think it's still the mouthless paper that does all the talking - the exam grades certs of course.

And when 2008 comes to an end, I'm not sure how many people will look back on this, but it's the choices that we make that has contributed to so many of these things!

Now it has come to a point whereby I don't even know whether I should be doing all these or not. But one thing for sure, I love my family, my sisters (those 3 of course), my friends. I hope to keep in touch with all, but when the day comes, I'll have to accept it. No matter where everyone'll go. You've all been a part of my 2007.

Where maturity grows, there'll be elements of innocence lost. I did try to look forward to 2007, but the same cannot be said of 2008. I've seen through things.. I wished I hadn't.

Anyways, I must say a big thank you to Pat for giving me that book which I have just started to read a few moments ago. It's not the enlightenment, but rather, the understanding of what I used to believe in. Nonetheless, a big thank you to you. =D

Take care, my friend.

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