Sunday, July 19, 2009

Birthday thanks..


to first of all, my family. Thanks to my Mum for treating the whole family to buffet at nihon mura (ehub) on 12th july 2009. Thanks to my Bro, Sister and mum (again) for coughin' up the money to buy me an ipod touch. Thanks for the company always. Thanks mum for givin' me life. Thanks to my lil bro, though there was no gift from him (he's expecting me to give him one for his bday haha), thanks for the company, even though I get mad at him sometimes but yea it's niec havin' a kid as a bro. Thanks to Dad for the birthday message I got from him, even though you can't be here physically, but we all know how hard it is out there being the sole bread-winner and workin' your heart out for the decent living standard we're having, and to prepare us kids for future college fees. Really appreciate that. To 姨姨,謝謝你一直以來的支持,謝謝你對我們的要求不厭其煩!我生日那天你寄來的簡訊,提醒了我不應將一切當作理所當然的,應該珍惜我周圍的人。=D

to Alab and Yifeng for celebrating my birthday for me in advance on 13th july 2009. Went teo heng on the monday (I had off for ndp rehearsal on 11th july). Despite the time constraints (we sang from 1.30pm to 5pm) coz I had to book in at night, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Havent sung for a long time so I'm glad to return to the mic haha. Thanks alab for always providing great companionship when life gets mundane, and thanks yifeng for the support he always provides.

to SzeJun for the birthday greeting on facebook, sorry not that I wasn't concerned about your situation, just thought we oughta look around us for a while, and lend our helping hand to someone we all hold so high regard to. That's what friends are for isn't it. Hope we can do something about it. And of course, hope your situation makes a turn for the better too =D

to Staff haojie for the fabulous meal I had at swensen's on 14th july 2009. Actually expected to go dutch but he treated us all. I feel bad sometimes coz he's so generous and sometimes when I look at myself, damn I'm one ugly selfish bastard who compares people time to time. Thanks staff. For the birthday cake we all enjoyed in branch. Thanks for always makin' everyone feel so welcomed and homely in branch. =D Thanks 3SG Zhiquan, 3SG Benedict, 2LT Kane, Marcus and Sean for the company for the dinner we all enjoyed.

to Patricia for the company on 6th and 7th July 2009 when you were here. Thanks for the birthday present (soccer ball), really glad to have you as a personal friend of mine. Irreplaceable friend. =D Just hope things'll be alright for you over there as I'm speakin' right here. And of course, your fiance! Take care! =D

to Hazel and Shirley for the birthday smses, but most of all, for always providing companionship and always filling my boring days with fun and love.

to ShiJun, for making that effort to make my day on birthday even though it was slip-shot. But hey at least it's an effort, and I appreciate it =D Thanks for the budget card (and you got everyone to sign it), and the breakfast zzz. HAHA. Thanks bro. Lookin' forward to workin' together in army for the rest of our army life.

to Mary Anne (I'll remember your birthday's on 20th dec), JiaMing, JianZhi, Kat for the smses.

to HoYan, Zoe, Ben Chan, Sim Weijie, Emily Huang (congrats on your r/s), Han Liang, Raymond, Esther Chan, Steve, Rossane, Cadence, Lifeng, BaoChuan, Ivan Ho, Lilian, JingNan for the birthday greetings and wishes on facebook. Sorry for the late replies was in camp la..!

Hope I didn't miss out anyone.

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