Sunday, March 05, 2006

It's the end of another weekend.. Time really flies. Still, I havent change my blogskin. The internet just crashes everytime i enter I don't know what's wrong with my com. Or is it with the website? Unlikely. Anyway, some questions have been runnin' through my minds of late.

Firstly, I cannot understand why everyone is acting as if this year is so different from the rest? Yes, it's the O' Levels this year.. But why can't people treat this year the same as we did for the previous years - fantastic years - we had in Temasek? Ok, apart from studying harder this year, and the fact that Aidan has left us - which cannot be changed. Aidan was the spark who lit up the darkest days of our lives. Yes, he bonded us together, but he no longer is here today. And why are we still living in the past? And why can't we possess some of the qualities he left behind? Gone is the man, but his qualities have become part and parcel of the collective memories in our minds. We just gotta replicate what he has left behind, and make this whole world a nicer place to live in. People keep complaining about 'boring lives'.. So my question here is: "What have we done to make all these better for ourselves"? I hope anyone who comes across my blog can think and reflect about this. Everyone can start with being more generous with the word 'Hi', and not pretend not to know each other.

Was chatting with Aidan yesterday on MSN. He sounds as if he's enjoying himself in New Zealand now. I really hope he is. Someone like him really deserves a lot more than he is having now.

Been reading some nice books these few days too. But still havent got the time to read Mary-Anne's "The Alchemist" (Sorry Mary-Anne! I'll read finish and return to you asap!) Herm. Would like to introduce a book I find really worth reading, even though you guys may not like Chinese.

1) 慢活 (Chinese version, available in 17 other languages.. Lol..)
- Original is in English, entitled 'Slow', by Carl Hanore. It's about living in our world where everything that matters now is SPEED. The contents of this book can really make any reader smarter intellectually.

In the meantime, I hope everything will be alright for everyone else. *Peace-

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