Thursday, December 27, 2007


And what made me realise the purest element on earth - the innocence in children.










Terraces. 他們在這一層一層的土地上種蔬菜。


More terraces!








昨到右: 無名的阿姨、瓦夏阿姨、我、瓦夏阿姨的..姐姐吧。哎呀他們親戚關係還真複雜。

昨到右: 瓦夏阿姨、我、瓦夏阿姨的‘姐姐’。










拍的不是很清楚 =X


Saturday, December 22, 2007

It's gonna be.. a splendid Christmas! (ya rite)


Lost my phone today! Shit la. So don't call me/ sms me. Call my house if you need to contact me. Sorry about those smses anyone has sent out =X

Like a few days ago I received a few nice songs from Cheryl, and from my sister as well, cause usually I don't go online searching for these songs on my own =/

The thing is, my hp is ex! And it's rather new! Costed around $400, and it comes with a 2GB memory card! Just got it like in August!

And I seriously dunno how I lost it.

The moment I saw yuxiang at tampines, I put it in my bag. Confirm!

Found out that it went missing only at Tanah Merah the netball court there where we have our weekly soccer. Sian! Then no mood la. It was a great day to play soccer but just no mood! How to play when it's missing! Sian.

And singapore's police sucks to the core. Whilst other countries have devices that can track any, and I emphasize, ANY, phone, what does method does Singapore acquire to track down lost handphones? It seems like the only way to recover it is for the culprit to sell the handphone to a second-hand shop. And that possibility is like, i dunno, 30%? Anyone who picks up my phone'll probably use it for himself/ herself. Anyone who has a better phone than that'll probably sell it, but anyone who knows how the police tracks down lost phones, i'm sure, is not stupid enough to sell it to second-hand shop.

So the chances of getting back my phone? Negligible i think.

And my dad's not gonna get me another phone, I understand why, and I'm not angry. I think I've gotta save up again to get another h/p or suffer months of emptiness without my handphone. Ha.

So, my conclusion is..
  1. Never lose your handphone, not in Singapore at least.
  2. Singapore's not that advanced.
  3. Life without h/p can be miserable, especially when it's during a festive season like Christmas. 'Cause nobody will be able to contact you.
  4. It's always safe to have your house phone number known to others.
  5. Always check out what happened to people who suddenly 'decide to disconnect him/herself from the rest of the world'. Ha.

Please update me your phone numbers (with address if possible, I've lost plenty) through email if you happen to know me.

With tears (ha),


Tuesday, December 18, 2007


In the end, I wasn't really enchanted by the show.

Went to watch with Cheryl (from MJ, dunno her surname) at Tampines, she told me she's been wanting to watch for some time, and since Hazel had already watched it twice, Shirley was going to watch with her class today as well (she told me later that she went to watch something else instead), I thought she was the only person I'd probably watch this kinda shows with.

The idea was one of a kind, the music was nice, it was rather realistic, as in the images, including the part about the chipmunk not being able to talk in real life, but I'd still say the show was just ok.

There wasn't much of a twist in the story, and the story ended abruptly, I'm not sure if it's due to the lack of time or something. But I must say the music mixing was great, the music came in at the appropriate scenes and it fitted in very nicely.

Four songs from 'Enchanted':
  1. True Love's Kiss (Intro song)
  2. That's How You Know
  3. So Close
  4. Ever Ever After

I think the OST should be quite nice, may consider to get it once it's out.

Reminder for myself: needa buy 鬥牛.要不要 OST. It's not out yet though.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


  • 12月1日(星期六):

我2點才起床,就想直接去泰順街好了, 反正好久沒回去看阿嫲。

回到家,阿嫲依舊躺在床上,都沒起來活動,誒... 陪她聊一聊,過後姨姨說要去幫丞丞撿葉子,我建議去大安森林公園,然後我們大家沒一下子就出門去!姨姨想說身上有好幾張Subway折扣券,不如我們去吃Subway好了。Chicken Teriyaki跟Seafood。價錢跟新加坡差不多,口感卻不一樣!而且飲料免費暢飲!








  • 12月2日(星期天):

原本打算要全家一起去宜蘭,結果因爲大舅生病(好像是感冒) ,所以撤銷了原本的計劃。濃濃也因爲以爲我們回去宜蘭,早答應朋友一起去台中看棒球(日本對韓國)。




到了之後,舅舅第一帶我們去5F,孩子區,東西真的好多!有適合孩子的書和玩具,還有很大的遊樂場!而且遊樂場特殊的地方是那裏有分屬於不同職業的區,不同的玩具,放在不同職業的地方!有玻璃(清潔工人),百貨公司,警察局,等等... 舅舅就建議姨姨,以後可以帶小瓜來這種的遊樂場,讓他們玩耍,好過整天呆在家裏玩電腦...這聼起來還有點像我自己 =X





  • 12月3日(星期一):

今天晚上我們一起去吃韓國烤肉,大葉對面,公館附近的‘江梅’韓式烤肉,一人300元,說貴不貴,我覺得還不錯(又不是我出錢 =X ),有無限暢用的韓國泡菜,韓式年糕,甜地瓜,飲料(麥茶,冬瓜茶),還有冰淇淋!醃肉味道還不錯,而且我蠻喜歡韓式烤肉的烤法。他們的鍋子跟一般烤肉,火鍋的鍋不一樣,吃出的味道也當然不一樣咯!







  • 12月4日(星期二):

下午我們約3店,一起坐車(約30分鐘)去汐止的黃昏市場買甜不辣,還買了小孩子愛吃的棒棒雞(我也是)。此外我們還去買要帶回新加坡的一些吃的。甜不辣,蜂蜜蛋糕,魚肉,雞翅,胡椒餅,等等。那家的雞肉震得很好吃!那我們就這樣,買一買一堆的東西,然後都是我在扛 XP




回到家,先叫小孩子來吃雞塊,阿公就一直罵我們,吃不健康的食物 =X 過一下子,媽媽他們就回來,我們等到10點左右,去公館跟大家吃天外天,就連阿嫲也有去!就少了阿公,不然就一家團聚咯!吃東西的時候,我們小孩子的話並不多,就一只聼大人講話。


還有阿浚去幫姨姨,妹妹把飲料,那我剛好被麻辣湯給辣到了,想趕快跑去拿飲料。那阿浚剛開了兩瓶,我就想說,先喝一口,但又想其中一瓶少了一點,一定會被發現,所以就乾脆兩瓶都喝一口,水面看起來都一樣,該不會被發現。沒想到,還是被姨姨敏銳的觀察力給察覺到 =X





  • 12月5日(星期三):

回新加坡僅剩一天,想說要好好利用一天的時間,結果我們又睡到下午2點才起床 =X

一起床,我跟浚一起趕去大葉,舅舅早就休息了,說舅媽在隔壁店吃羹,吃魚丸。我原本説好跟阿浚去公館,結果被舅媽叫來吃羹 =X 我想一定吃不完,所以只點了一碗。結果我們在等食物端上來時,舅媽咬下去的福州丸噴出湯汁來,噴到我衣服袖子都是!=X 果然是多汁的福州丸!哈哈。

我就跟阿浚一起去公館,喝Mr. Wish,我點他們的白色珍珠奶茶,浚說要試試看他們的冰淇淋紅茶,結果他也沒把它喝完!浪費我的錢!一杯可要40,50元耶!

不過也想說快回去了,錢留在身上也沒用,算了吧。然後呢,我們逛一逛那裏,可是因爲身上沒多少錢,什麽東西都沒買,原本看到幾件衣服還不錯看,想等下叫媽媽陪我去買,可是結果沒時間去買 =X 我們繞一繞公館,在一家二手店看到了bread的精選集,或許下次回去時可以買吧。




  • 12月6日(星期四):

我的東西其實不多,因爲沒買到什麽。我都還有時間去師大後面的一之軒買麻薯給Cheryl Tan,還有愛心手帕給 Kuan Wei!妹妹東西就很多,然後還要打包吃的,冷凍的,所以還是等到4才整理。阿浚趁這段時間完麻將online,妹妹則是看American's Next Top Model 3。我也很無聊,就跟著妹妹看,然後打電話給濃濃跟他說一下話。









p.s. 我們跟星光幫搭同一架飛機,本來還要跟他們要簽名,經紀人一直叫我們等一下,還叫我們不要拍照 !太誇張了!機場又不是他們的地盤!結果我們就真的沒跟他們拍到照,因爲出去後實在太多人!或許應該像阿平哥哥,姨姨講的,臺灣人就是要罵!想起來還真的有點氣!




Oh. And I called Cherly in the morning and woke her up. Sorry! =X

Monday, November 26, 2007


I guess I only have myself to blame.

Supposed to wake up early to go play soccer or basketball or smth with my cousins at around 10 at 台大, in the end I woke up at 12+, largely because I had went to the mountains the day before, it was so exhiliriating, and the sleeping factor - I didn't sleep AT ALL! Ok, maybe on the bus yes, but it was only an hour! Didn't reach 台北 until like 5? OMG it was so tiring. I'll blog about it (with pictures when I have the time).

Yup anyways, it was like this. 濃濃 had to go 西門町 for his band 'interview', or so they call. This band called '井' needed a singer, so he went there for a try-out in hope of getting recruited. In the end he PANG SEHED me! Coz some girl asked if she could come along, so he agreed immediately. Like WTH! HAHA. But nvm, I guess everyone's got their own things to do at each stage of their life. Somethings are just more impt at this stage of his life? Maybe? Ha.

So that left me with 皮皮哥哥 to accompany me to 微風 to have lunch with 舅舅,舅媽,奶奶,阿公,媽媽,姨姨. When we reached, they just had their lunch -.- So I had lunch with him only, we had 2 salad set lunch sets which cost like NTD300 each! Good food dont come cheap, of course. Ha. 跟舅舅走,一定有美食,准沒錯!=D

(Picture of the salad)

We spent some 2 hours at the cafe there I think, from 3 - 5pm. But we had some interesting conversations, that's for sure. Though we were rather bored at first, but we still crapped our way thru, we saw this 立委, I cant rmbr the name, but they were discussing about him, saying something about him facing the wall for most of the time. 一定是見不得人才看牆壁!Ha.

We had Japanese muahchee too! My favourite. Especially the chestnut flavoured. They all said I had the lucky one with a whole chestnut wrapped within the dough. LOL!

Had an 'argument with 皮皮哥哥 over the crumble bread he bought. Coz I was unwilling to give up the bread I had set my eyes on! HAHA.

Oh ya. We were talking about relatives losing touch with each other, therefore leading to generations of relatives not knowing each other, and marrying each other, resulting in 'defective' childrens. Then 皮皮哥哥 was jokingly saying 'might as well not be close to each other!' So there wouldnt be feelings lost. Ha. But I doubt we'll ever lose touch, eh? I hope not. Haha.

Straight after LUNCH, we had DINNER. I'm serious. 婷婷姐姐 came all the way down from 新竹, then we had dinner together at 南京飯店. I think. Once again, lots of jokes coming from 婷婷姐姐! =D About his husband, his father-in-law, mother-in-law. Ha. It's the way she says her stuff! Just so hilarious! =D

We had lots of food! Again! =D

(Picture of food(s))


Shockingly, there was a COCKROACH in the soup! Fortunately I havent had any bit of the soup, while the rest had finished theirs =X They had it replaced and treated us to some red bean muahchee. But it still wasnt worth it! I feel.

Went home, talked, played 'advertising space', hands sore! =X

Played 'joker'. Sleep.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Didn't really do much today.

Couldn't really sleep in the morning coz of the coldness. It was so cold I think I had 2 blankets. Plus grandma's turning and tossing made my sleep even worse. In the end I went to the living room to watch the horror clips. I think I'll miss them when I return to Singapore. Some of these stories are really nice. My 2 favourite programmes are: "大膽旅行團" and "不可思議的世界", both which the host is 小潘潘.

Didn't go uncle's shop till it was around 1. Was super late. Anyways, they hired this new university girl.. She's only 17 years old! Born in 1990, although she claims she's 19 -.- She was so quiet that even my uncle said that we should talk to her more. Yup anyways she's nice =X But I shouldn't go into that. Went to the bank with 濃濃 to pay the bills, then went home to play PS2, he introduced me to Metal Gear Solid 3, which I have yet to try. Oh my god it's damn cool. The graphics, the feeling when you get your hands on the controller. Really makes you feel like a spy, although I must say it's quite hard to manipulate Snake, but the interesting part is the stamina and hunger part. You have to hunt for animals and fruits to feed your character! Quite cool huh!

Thereafter, 舅媽 asked me to meet at the shop at 7.30, then we agreed to go 南機夜市場 to have 羊肉爐, still tastes the same! It feels great to have it especially during winter. Really warms the body up, and makes me feel much much better. And there was this routine. We went into the market and had red bean soup! We'll never give it a pass when we pass by here! Haha! =D

And when we went to 85度C to have cakes and coffee, I heard over the radio, they were playing a song with a beat that was so SO FAMILIAR! Then when I went over closer to the speaker, I realised it was the beat Kin and I attempted before. The 'Watcher' beat! So whilst the rest were sitting down and having their cakes and coffee, I was trying to listen very closely the song. Although I couldn't really hear clearly because of the noise level there, I heard the 2 lines from the chorus, something about:
".. you got your eyes on me...
I feel you watching me..."

Something like that. Not too sure but I'll go find out the rapper of the original song. Ha.

Feelin' you're being watched?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Damn the hot springs!

Was woken up by the constant voice of my Mum.

It was a last minute thing, but my mum's cousin (I suppose I'll call just call him uncle) called to ask us along to 烏來 to go for the hot springs.

I think it's been years since I've seen this uncle, in fact, I barely know him! He's a police officer, actually the head of the area around 烏來, so he was quite familiar with the place there.

First off, we took the MRT to 新店 where we took Uncle's huge van (he borrowed it actually) to his police station where we sat down for a 'tea session' and played with his 2 year old son, who was initially very shy, but his smile just brighten up my mood, and the atmosphere! On the way there my sister and I were just sitting at the back of the van and listening to the conversation between my mum, uncle, uncle's vietnamese wife and my mum's twin sister. Quite dull, actually. But then I was listening to Uncle's vietnamese wife speaking, and surprisingly her mandarin's very good, and the best thing is that she knows how to speak 台語! I should really reflect upon myself eh. How can a Taiwanese not know how to speak his own dialect! Shit. Ok I must really learn and read up on it. SIAN!

Ok nvm. After that we headed to the hot springs, which made my skin all itch and reddish! I think my skin's not very resistant to the 'polluted' water there. Even my mum caught a bloodshot eye. The very next day my grandfather was shocked to see the rashes on my arms and my neck, then he told us that the hot springs there aren't 'clean'. Like they actually 'recycle' the water because of the lack of pure spring water. I heard they actually categorise the hot springs into 3 levels, the top level being the cleanest, and the 3rd bottom level being filthy because of the water trickling down from the 1st level! Like OMG!

No wonder these rashes develop. Damn!

But one thing I enjoyed was the food we had at this restaurant on our way to 雲仙 to take the cable car.
(I'll post the video)

The cable car at 雲仙 was so fast, I think we got to the other station on the mountain in less than 2 minutes! The scenery was picturesque, but a pity there were mist blocking our view from the top when we got to the top of the mountain - on foot. Little did I know that was the native place of the native tribes - 泰雅族!

Some people were dancing there, some were selling their local foods - the fried small prawns were nice! Crispy and a lil salty. =D

(Picture of cable car)

Thursday, November 15, 2007





我們先回去看小孩子,在約4點妹妹就和媽媽和姨姨一起去某某親戚的家,我先去舅舅店裏拿麵綫,然後因爲眼睛有點發痛,先睡個回籠睡覺,沒想到一睡就睡到9點,10點!小孩子一直喊肚子餓,跑去冰箱拿muah chee出來吃!你看!餓到這種地步!想姨姨他們一定很遲才回來,所以先去師大買雞排和鹽酥雞給他們吃。





Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My 1st weekend.. Home.





Saturday, November 10, 2007

Funny things

I can't believe I'm saying this. Yes - they are CUTE! my little cousins.

我:... ...





In a unfamiliar position.

I found myself in a unfamiliar position when I went to 7-Eleven today. What a huge difference I immediately felt.

So. I was buying a drink for myself, and there was this caucasian in front of me, taking out drinks from the fridge. As I stood behind him, the fridge door knocked into me when he flung the fridge.

I didn't exactly know what I was doing, but my initial instinct was to say 'Sorry'. And immediately after I said that, he replied in Chinese‘不好意思!’

And I was so So SO SHOCKED.

Okay, I know this is Taiwan and people here, including the caucasians speak Chinese.

But it just felt so hilarious at that point of time.

Like, wth! I was put in an awkward and unfamililar position.

It just felt weird coming in contact with caucasians who speak Chinese! I feel so happy, glad and proud to witness that sometimes.

But I dunno exactly why. Haha.

p.s. visited 士林,公館,景美夜市!Food fiesta! Though I've been trying to control myself. I think my sister's gainin' weight at a rate faster than I am. Ha. I should be doing fine. haha.


Friday, November 09, 2007














p.s. 棒球世界杯在臺北舉行!有空一定要去看看,體會在球場當球迷的滋味!=D

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Give me a Sign

So we did meet up, and we watched 'Game Plan'.

It was quite a nice show, although it felt surreal and so idealistic. ha. like it had a TOO happy ending.

But like yj said, it really was quite humorous. The story was well elaborated, although they tend to have neglected some parts of story, especially the part on how the girl came to find Joe. But overall i'd still give a three out of five stars. Worth watching. And The Rock is hell muscular. Ha.

After the show we were aimless, walking around trying to find some place to settle down and eat. In the end i think we spent 30, 40 mins choosing a place to eat? In the end we went back to yoshinoya, the place where we first decided -.- Ha. Anyways it was great to have it at yoshinoya. like we talked for an hour plus i think. talking about things that reminded me of those secondary school times.

But honestly speaking, I felt I was a lil too serious last time, maybe I should have slackened a bit and enjoyed myself. Coz we dun get that kind of life anymore now. So all I can do now is to enjoy myself now i guess? I don't wanna look back and see myself being so serious. There's a time to relax, so maybe from thursday onwards i will.

Recalling those stuff. I think I used to have something against everything. Although I'd probably have kept things all to myself. But it don't really matter now i guess.

I think i have my own friends, you've got your own, people move on. Whether or not classmates remain in touch.. Don't really bother me anymore. Schools weren't meant for all these bullshit anyway. Only people who see thru it'll understand what I'm talkin about.

And so we left after having a long conversation. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Although we spent quite a bit, something I think i expected. ha. Nvm i shall take it as I treated jun wei for his bday. Ha. Oh, and I've finally passed cheryl's present to her. It's been with me for like. erm. since january. So 10 months since I've said i was gonna pass it to her =X

Talkin' about synthesizers, I think I shall start saving after I come back from taiwan. Synthesizers'll help ease those complicated things i hope. Needa practise on guitar and piano and sharpen my skills up. I wanna perform at school concerts next year!

So for the moment maybe everyone's feelin' a little lost and things like that, probably a sign from somewhere'll help everyone out.



Ok nvm about that sucker.
I shall chill since I should be in a happy mood.

Fuckin' shit not worth my time thinkin' about.

Off to meet cheryl and jun wei.
Finally after we've said it for a couple of months. Been looking forward to it. haha.



"I thought I saw a pussycat!"

Thought I'd like to talk about some pussy who talked behind me and rubbished that when I came online. Whatever whatever. Ha.

Manure is the name of your beloved boyhood club
Try to criticise my idol but you ain't shit; just a sub
Warmin' the bench's what you're good at, you piece of shit
Talkin' about my team, I admit, I have a bad habit
That gives me the right to say whatever I like
Thinkin' you could talk shit behind me, drop the talk, let's FIGHT
If you a man, speak up for your own words, PUSSY
Try to push me, then hide safely back in your own shell, PUSSY
That's what pussies do, like fighting with your own self
Tried to put out the flame but you ignited it back yourself
You could have a million friends, feedin on them like leeches
The truth is you a loser fan, arrogant bitches
Making acts to fake out facts, that's just too sad I say
Virtual friends, ritual fiends got ya hoist away
Actin' like you know shit, but you ain't shit, funny
You can compare someone you know nothin' to me
Like he's seen the world locally, can you diss me legally, STUPID
Retaliate? Come and diss me back, THAT'S A SISSY ACT
Thankfully I've got friends speakin' in da name of peace, I'm pissed
But for the moment I'll tape up my mouth and say nothin',
Bitch. And try provokin' me again, bitch.
I may take a few lines from 'Girls' but that's what I think of you too, bitch.

It's not just a diss. It just means you're low class.
And if you ever read this, fuck you.
Like you lack creativity tryin' ta mimick me.
And whatever whatever. Ha.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Gentle Reminder

Think there's a few things I gotta say to some people before I leave.
Yea and before that I've got my OP tmr.
And then I'll sit down somewhere, settle down, think about and decide what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life.

The things I gotta say.
That'll mean calls. ha.

And of course, to visit the people I'm indebted to.

Hey. It's just a gentle reminder. haha.


Put your hands on the floor, I see ya creepin' thru' da corridor
Been ta' where the hardest war was fought, where there was blood galore
Police knockin' on your moma door, when we used to be down and poo'r
What's in store, little on this dot we call pore, an ass before the four
Letters, that's what I'm talkin' about, we're crazy about, ravin' about
The materials we don't own, but in reality whores got they spendin' about
A couple o' times a week, we just cheeky geeks runnin' out of creep
I got a problem with ma' sleep, it gets worse in dreams when we meet
They call me a freak, but it dun matter so long as we belong here
And we know no fear, we drive thru highways on the front gear on doses of beer
It's been a year since they got him in jail for blackin' mails and smackin' males
But it dun matter as long as we're here together, laughin' in tears
20 years down the road I forsee a completely new me, and a 'mini-me'
And another millenium I'ma vanish without a trace, to outta space
Where I find myself outta place without a face, and out of the race
Bold the relevant, old the irrelevant, till we work our ass off to be immaculate
Let's tabulate, and formulate the rate we're gonna make it happen
But you know it don't matter as long as we're here together
And you'll know it all don't matter when we'll all be like: "fuck my alma mater!"

It all don't matter.

p.s. The wonders of Latin.

Monday, October 29, 2007

All it took.

That night I had to endure the temptation of restoration
And the redemption of resurrection, different combinations
Old school, new style kind of displays that left me feelin' dismayed
But fuck it 'thee, you had to make me wanna cut out this play
Let me bring you back to November last year, before everything disappeared
Like birds struck with cupid's arrow, now you makin' me drown in my sorrow?
"See you tommorow", was the last thing you said, lust was to be borrowed
My biggest mistake was to take you thru' my highs and lows, now swallow!
The biggest phantoms of wallows, feelin' green when you mix blue and yellow
What used to be a blow ain't nothin' when now everything's mellow
To me or to you, to him or to her, they or us, fuck all the tasks
Suckin' up to me when you feelin' what I felt? Frozen and melt
Remember when you first threw me out in the blue without a clue?
That's true, through and through, got some regrets for ya to chew
Little less than a year, ya feelin' lone and pain standing in da rain
Alone, uncock a champagne... were you trained to entertain?
It's laughable.

Feelings may go?
And memories will stay?

It's just too bad.
8 months was all it took.

IF you still remember what you did..
And for christ sake I'm not emo-ing, I've just had enough.
Don't regret your actions, or swallow your own words. That's what you said.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I was reading thru' some people's blogs today
I read about changes in life, how people lose what they think they had
How people have their dreams.. shattered and gone.
As I read on, my mind just blanked, as I felt my fingers tremble and my heart shrank..
It wasn't just a prank.. I had just witnessed another living evidence of people who never lived..

I was inspired to be admired, brave and rave, about what that's required
Now, I wonder how I venture to my future, and my future career
Wondering how I'm gonna ever get what I desire, now I feel dire
And tired, but I ain't hittin' my thirties, I ain't got my shire, or even hired
Fired, or perspire, and guess what people's talking about me
An appetite subdued, that's how I'm feelin', what got me reelin',
Was people not real-lin', fakin' it up, and makin' it up, just to get me down
Remindin' me Yen trusted the fella' with the dolla, now that's a bizzare
Close up to me, clothes up on me, you can never tell what rose upexpirin'
I'm perspirin', when people mocked about me not workin' to be aspirin'
Like i needed aspirin, to get me set off and runnin', gunnin' and shinin'
So I'm startin' off with polishin' my shoes, hopin' it would get me thru' to me

See everyone's got their turning point of life, I've got my own to tell
Like 'wait a second if you've got a burning point you got to dwell',
This girl lost her wishes to the glitches, and these snitchers
Were none-other than those none-the-richer, she was more like the hitcher
Someone's offed the switches, and tried to sting a hole in my stiches
These parasites like leeches, some preachers tryin' to reach 'em
Here they claimin' they can relate, I'll get it straight to da' point
When you make a mistake, no matter the rate, you still dissapoint
So tell me the reason I'm still stuck here in sedate, I'm sick here
Solute and minute, grown a shoot and I'm root, the fear of fear
The dreams about bein' a lawyer, doctor, an emcee and a singer
Bewildered, but neither of all confounded, either that or I fall, grounded
Now I'm not here pretending I can relate, but I can feel hate
Within uncontented, when they uncontested, incompetent
They call it fate.. Or mere destiny.. But beyond's what meets more than the eye..
And after that lil' chat I had with Kin, all the more I feel what's lost.. and gone.
The once wild dreams.. Just vanished.. And perished.. Was it too late to save it? Or is this our last chance to wake up from our long trance?
God knows the past was gone.
Remiscent.. of 4th February 2007.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


It's been sometime since he came up with his new album, and it was released quite some time ago, but due to my exams, I havent updated myself with this fantastic new album of his. It's nice, I'm serious. I've always liked his songs, and it fully satisfied my excitement and anticipation and it surpassed my expectations for this album. I'd like to introduce two of his songs that I personally enjoy listenin' to.

Like everyone who faces the lowest point of their lives, I believe everyone does, sometimes we do want to look back and see what we once had, and reminisce about some of the good times we had with our friends and family. You really never know what you got, till it's gone.





Oh~ 思念是一種病
Oh~ 思念是一種病 (一種病)





A few more weeks till I'm going back taiwan, and I was thinking if i should go back. Maybe I should save the money for something else, but on the other hand, I really miss my relatives, and the prospect of all the things we're gonna do together always excites me. I want to return home, but circumstances just don't permit so.


Sunday, September 30, 2007

So far.

Kin told me this was da' real shit, and this was the start of it

Little did I know he meant it, for real, it couldn't be less surreal

I thought, maybe I had some doubts in me, I wasn't sure either

A rap superstar misfit? But I felt more like I was a piece of shit; I screamed,

In high self-esteem, when I thought I met the girl of my dreams

But it wasn't meant to be, I tried to circumvent it, but you see

Somethings happen for a reason, somethings do not, you gotta agree

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


This was an old piece which I just came across. It was supposed to be done as an audio, but never had the chance. Now I don't think it should be written anyway. Life goes on, what's gone is gone isn't it. haha.

p.s. it's supposed to go with the beat 'Waiting On You'.

People say fate shall meet us together up there
But the when passion's lost, you just won't care
Like when we started lovin' each other, I felt like
You were like none-other, trust her
To know you, and you'd never thrust her
Coz she was like my soul(sole) motivator
To guide me to my goal, till the future gets bleaker
But you could always make your presence felt stronger
You were always there when I wanted to die
Wishin' I just die and leave this world full of lies
But there's too much in you for me to leave
Believin' that we could overcome the naive-
Ness in us, we coulda repaired it, couldn't we
But you didn't, we couldn't, we shouldn't, see
It was on my part to relive the moment
The further we went, something went absent
Nothin' is instantaneous, just ask your parents
This is a torment, for your treatment, what's the reason
Love became stagnant, redundant, now so distant.. and so ancient

Waiting on you..

That night I was isolatin', left thinkin'
Why I was doing all these for you, sinkin'
Well if you were in my position, you'd rather
Put down all your ammunition, and be gentler
Steppin' stone for your thriller, reminder
I'm smarter, now, better than ever, remember
That letter that was left in your drawer, has turned sour
Rottin' because of past tears over the past years
That necklace, still silver, was rusted, to pieces
And when you put on your earpieces, this piece is
Meaningless, purposeless, senseless, you're useless
Till now I'm still aimless, still fameless, you're shameless
Sensitive, insensitive, over-sensitive, what's your motive
My heart is small, but active, feelin' something so massive
Seduced by you, confused, and I too was fused
I'm like a big joke you can reuse.. reuse.. reuse..

Waiting on you..

People change, and we can do nothin' to fix it
Lackin' in patiece, soon it becomes a bad habit
Used to share a common bond, now you won't respond
Like a cushion to solid rock I'm to rest on
Press on, I'd like to hear once again from you
Angry, 'cause I didn't catch the first dawn with you?
You knew I had no choice to, I had a curfew
Friendship over relationship, tryin' to start something new?
Havin' the patience in the first place, we could ace
In the love race, off the pace, back to the first place
A friend, irreplaceable, a fiend, effaceable
Life is tough, havin' to split my personal
A joint between your axil, a memory eraseable
Where love first found, all this shit sentimental
Assume? Fuck it, it was all you, with me in the room
Make love? We made out without breakin' out, takin' out
What we stated out, like shadows slowly fadin' out
Blackin' out into darkness, and you started backin' out
The truth was I wanted to screw you, it turned out I never knew you
And I'm left here wonderin'..Why I'm waiting on you-u-u-u-u-..

Thought you would be with me till death
But you walked away, just like that
And we never kept in touch no more.
And you just vanished.. Without a trace.
Love become hate?

It's fucked up ain't it
How we from strangers becomin' friends to becomin' strangers again
It's fucked up ain't it

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Out of sight..

I'm writin' this in the middle of the night, when hope's out of sight
And the future turns bleak, right now, maybe right after tonight
The night leaves rustle, and I hear the door creakin' in at night
Thinkin' it was just my imagination I let it go, till my frustration strikes
This hesitation to let go, this elation to make known, just a reservation in my expectations for my education, yea fuck my full time occupation;
You get it, a fool-time occupation.
I got an anticipation for this aggrevation of an agression prickin' me and it's disturbin'
Maybe that's a reason I can't fall into sleep, I've got tricks' played on me, it's diss-curbin'
Music is a life worth risk-takin', I'm just thinkin' too deep, but if to you it's shallow
It means you suck so much you can't even follow, so these few bars I start to flow
On 'em, just a simple few bars before I close my eyes and go to sleep..
Hopin' I'll wake up tomorrow to achieve the dream I had in my sleep
And that's about it, I have no other deeds, this is gonna repeat
But what am I supposed to do? Bring em home and leave it alone

sorry didn't manage to flow finish. I'll complete asap.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

How to save a life

The few of us guys were just shoppin' around in white sands looking for the perfect gift for mr chee and mr gan, the only 2 teachers we can actually relate to. haha. then came across this song that alan lim said it was nice. Listened closely to it and I felt it was rather nice. Not that I havent heard this song before, I'd probably had forgotten it sometime ago. Ha.

So it goes like this..

The Fray:

How to Save a Life

Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I wanted to take this topic like 'if i had..' by eminem, but felt I had to try something different. I'm feelin the way it is in 'if i had..', and i guess everyone feels so like that once in a while yea..?

I was sittin' in a corner all on my own, seein' everyone roamin' home
Havin' won the battle but I'm too exhausted that I feel I had lost the throne
Back in Rome I had a couple million soldiers under my control, now I'm on parole
I'm in the danger zone, zonin' off from one point, I'm broke as fuck, I'm on the dole
I'm tired of feedin' all the food to the people.. When I'm starvin' inside
I'm tired of reading all logic and truth to the people but no one sees me inside
I'm tired of being hollow and trivial 'cause I'm convivial, and I like thrills
And tired of always havin' to follow all the bullshit that fuels my will to kill
Until someone sees me bein' sensible, or takes advantage of me 'cause I'm gullible
Like fuck I've got a job to do, a task to fulfill, and all these crazy shit so surreal..
I'm tired of facin' all these people transparent and real, 'cause they've got me concealed
If I could steal an automobile that drives me on four wheels I'd be so thrilled 'cause that'll be so cool

But set out to be different, I'm apparent, fuck parenting and there'll be anarchy
I'm so busy with my own life, but that's not what I wanna be, I just wanna be free,
Free from this world of anxious and anxiety, I can be tolerable but not to this degree
You gotta agree, nothin's for free, but I can guarantee, if we're given our freedom of speech
Well if you could be me, then there's wouldn't be a need for clonin', even preachin'
'Cause you'll know me like I think I know you, that's dangerously risky, but I can take it
I could have you acquited, but you'll still have me acquainted, friendship and brotherhood.. You can fake it
But I can read it, thinkin' you could judge me but you ain't got a grudge to hold.. You just can't fudge with me.. You're just begrudgin' me for my intellectuality so I'm blowin' off till you can see me no more.. And that's it..

I'm just tired of all these bullshit.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shopping with guys! LOL.

Didnt want to leave my house yesterday. First, I wanted to study. Two, I wanted to save money and not go out. In the end I failed both -.- Thanks to jy's sweet talk.

I refused to go initially, after finding out they were going to get shirt for be yourself day - the white colour shirt which I already had. But JY's continued persistence meant that I had to force myself to go so as not to dissapoint them.

And yea, there I went with my mum, sis and bro to tampines to have lunch before meeting up with jy, sj and alan double delight.

Chit chatted and crapped all the way from tampines to bugis - topics ranging from the class's recent mishaps and girls - lols. Some humour, but it wasn't really very enganging coz I didnt really set my mind on going out.

We went straight to the bugis street to choose clothes for alan (teo). How indecisive these ppl are. Can choose here choose there, in the end dun want to buy -.- But alan got the shirt he wanted in the end, even though he felt it was rather small sized but we felt it suited him well. Hmm. jy and sj actually wanted to buy theirs, so we headed to bugis junction and encircled the whole mall - only to return home empty handed. I wanted to like sit down somewhere and chill and talk - but alan (lim) decided that we go pool. DAMN! I knew we were gonna spend money. Ha. But I shared with alan teo the money. 10.80 per hour! That's like day light robbery! But they were willing to part with their notes and so I had no choice. Ha. But still, I agree with jy to take it like it's a mini-class outing. So I shall have no qualms about it. Ha.

At night went home and jy reminded me to watch superstar finals, which was showing simultaneously with liverpool's crunch with sunderland. Not that it was a dilemma for me to choose between pool's match and superstar finals - but I had no choice given my mum, bro and sis wanted to watch superstar - and I had to give in to them. Could only catch glimpses of the match during those irrelevant parts of superstar. Had some sms-chat with hazel and shirley. Liyun doesnt reply her smses anymore! wonder why. and shirley had no idea either. ha. I dunno la. i'll probably ask her another time.

It came as a surprise the little boy won superstar - it wasnt supposed to be his day, but it did. I guess these kinda shows have no base of judgement. Though they say it's 30% judge's grading and 70% votes-dependent - apparently the votes will prevail over whatever the judges feel isn't it. Ha. I just wonder how much more these kind of shows can continue to exploit their viewer's money. Actually I'm quite sure it wouldn't last. Yet these kind of shows, no matter how little or how insignificant it may be, will always exist to fluctuate the emotions of both participants and viewers. That was it.

Another saturday - wasted. Ha. And promos is like approaching. Gotta start buckin' up if i really wanna promote.

p.s. thx yewf for today (sunday) man. it's just hard to visualise and see where this path ends. Life is but a dream.

And I was always hopin'.. For the better.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Since young I've never learnt to overcome what I fear

I'm succumbing to fear, steer me away from this sphere

As i listened closely, I hear death.. It's comin' near..

I gotta persevere, strive on, or vanish and disappear

This hunger to be revered.. Ten years on.. But I'm still here

Like a pioneer steppin' on the gear.. I'm reduced to tears

If I fail to win this, I'll rather not exist..

Temptation temptin' me, tellin' me not to resist

Take this fist, clenched, and that too, stenched, I'm over the edge

No I can't speak french, I only warm the bench

Like a communication trench, I'm out-stretched, over-stretched

.. ..

As I stretch out to my sketching pen.. I hear a sound..

"Who's over the ledge?" I uncower, rooted to the ground

I turn around to that bower, eyeing for a hound



It was just..

Woke up today morning at around 6.30, i think i'm too used to waking up early, but not this early. Usually wake up at around 7 to be JUST on time for school. haha.

Yep. And then the rest i couldn't remember.

Yesterday was Ivan's birthday surprise party-chalet. Eugene, Sze Jun and I were there with the rest of his relatives and friends at Armanda Country Club. It's quite a nice place to be honest. But to think that candy actually did that for ivan. It's so sweet of his gf to organise such a massive thing for him. haha. not that i'm being envy, but i think these kind of ppl are hard to come by these days. anyways, i felt ivan was being somehow different. like.. he's not the kind of person he is in school. i guess everyone's got their side to share. Seems more quiet i suppose. His friends were all these together, but the three of us just sat at one corner eating and chatting away. (Oh yea, i forgot to mention about the cat which was so attention-seeking. haha. it was circling us several times before it went to find other human beings to play with. I think it was looking for someone to bring it home or smth.) Ivan kept asking us to go over with his friends, but I felt it was pointless. I'm not gonna know them well enough anyway. Not that I really need to or have to. Besides, the girls there were all attached =X and they weren't attractive to me in the first place.

I kind of pitied Ivan and Candy's parents. Like they were the ones who organised everything for us, but it had to be them helping us cook. Ivan didn't get to eat much. He claimed that he had eaten before we came, guess he's just being polite or smth. And he's like awkward speaking chinese. ha.

Eugene and sj were in a rush to go home. Think they cant stay out too long. Or they didn't want to. What's more, we felt so awkward with his friends/ relatives. Sj's mum came to fetch him, and eugene, home. The four of us had quite a chat while walking down to the bus stop. Then ivan sent me off at the entrance of downtown east. I can't really recall the topics we talked about, but we did talk non-chalantly before he sent me off. Some thoughts went through my mind, but I couldn't really express myself. Just hope that the 4 of us can stay together after we graduate. I think we're quite good friends, really.

Earlier, yong jie had to call of his plans to proceed to the chalet with us. He said he had to attend some funeral or something. I just hope things remain fine as we proceed into the 7th lunar month. Jianyao actually thought about coming with us to the chalet after he decided to pon co. I think he's quite similar to me - he hates his cca practices too. I used to look forward to it, but the more I go, the more i got sick of it =/ So he, along with sj and i, went to white sands and tried the thai food at the 2nd floor. It's the first time I've been there since they've renovated. I'd say their food is quite nice, and affordable. Maybe next time we could contemplate having our outing meals together over there. At least it's much better than fast food.

We went to buy ivan's gift after that - a white nike shirt with some red stripes on it - kinda resembling that of liverpool's away jersey, just that it's adidas. ha. We were rather choosy over his gift and spent like an hour deciding his gift, where I could have better spent that hour practising my piano piece or smth. Feelin' kinda guilty that i havent been touching my piano for 2 weeks or so. Needa buck up or I'd be lagging behind. Lots.

After that they came over to my place to wrap up the present, and we had a little chat too. Introduced them a few songs which i was glad sj liked. Borrowed my album after that. Shan't go into the details, but I feel that i've been neglecting some ppl lately. Maybe i should change the way i see things.

Went piano after that and then to meet sj and waited for eugene at white sands. Yea he was late, and so was ivan. I'm glad we were later than we were supposed to be or else we'd be sticking around with strangers for an even longer spell. lols.

Yea. that was all about the chalet. I think chalet loses its purpose if you're not going with a bunch of fun-loving people coz that'll spoil the mood. chalet's suppose to be a place people do crazy stuff together, isn't it? apart from just eating. ha.

... ...

Back to saturday.

After reading the papers and times, I couldn't bear the energy draining anymore. So went back for about 3 hours sleep. Woke up, did some chores before heading to City hall to meet yu chuan. I was late, again. and I'm sorry that i made you wait 'aite! 30 mins! i'll rmbr that. Well at least it'l better than the other time i made jm wait for the whole day outside my house =X

We went to st andrew's cathedral first. it's really a very nice church to go to, but i'm not a christian, but it's still a nice place to visit. i think i may wanna go there alone another time. it's so serene and peaceful there. i like that kinda environment.

hmm. then we went to peninsula to check out some guitar stuff. I realise there's more things over there than at swee lee. think i shall check that place out thoroughly instead of limiting my options to just swee lee. hmm. The prices there are much cheaper too. I need a tuner and a proper capo! but first my piano! hmm.

We went for a 'big walk' after that, walking around aimlessly and losing our way, before going all the way back to marina square to have dinner at subway! woot. i JUST love their cookies. and the first time i've tried their white chips cookie. it's nice.. and fattening too! nvm la. i'll play more soccer.

Never knew somethings that turned out the way it was. If i had JUST stayed in sa, maybe i'd be closer to some of them.. But i guess, things have become the way it is, I JUST gotta make do with what i've got.. Perhaps this teacher's day, instead of going back tms, which I dun feel any connection (neither can I relate to it) anymore, i should go find someone whom i think she's forgotten. But i wanna let her know that I've not forgotten her, and i've really taken her words to heart and followed to it closely. Just a pity to have lost her contacts. I wonder how she's doing. Hope to be able to see her back in school on teacher's day.

Ha. Nvm abt that. After dinner we were actually heading for the mrt, then a passer-by came to us asking for directions to marina bay, you know, that floating platform. He said he was going there to view the fireworks..

Hmm? Fireworks? We were taken by surprise coz we didnt know there was fireworks on display today. After giving him directions to marina bay, we took the short route (yes, we told him to walk that longer route by accident =/ ) to marina bay. Hell there were loads of ppl sitting at the stairways leading to the esplanade. we wanted to find some deserted spot where there were fewer ppl, but it was always gonna be difficult. We managed somehow to squeeze thru to somewhere near the Singapore Flyer. It wasn't exactly deserted, beside the river there were all people sitting down at the rocks waiting for the fireworks. We sat down and did some stupid stff. We even took pictures together! Lol. Like a gay couple seriously. I'd upload pictures once my com's fixed. ha.

It was about 9, then yu chuan wanted to go check out the ritz carlton hotel. It was my second time there. The urgent yc went toilet to release his bladder at once, then we rushed outside to take snapshots of the fireworks (quite childish, I know, but that's the way we are, ha). Spend some time there before we noticed a stylo car! I can't rmbr the name of the car brand, but it was hell style! I'd upload once I get them.

So much for taking all the cameo shots. We had to squeeze to the mrt with millions of other ppl. We took like 20 mins to get the mrt, bypassing the place where our first og outing was held! I think yc wants to organise an og reunion next yr or smth. I hope it'll work out fine. =D

We parted ways at the mrt station, guess all good things have to come to an end. Time flies, especially when u're enjoying it. And i was really glad to have meet him too! And, although i have the cd already, thanks nonetheless for the effort. But rmbr, support originality! Dun download or buy pirated / china cds! Support the taiwan music industry! Think about how you'd feel if u were in their shoes. Yea. That was about it.

I just hope to keep some of these souls implanted in my brain for as long as possible. And for the ever-so-far-out-there-but-we'll-remember-you jing, shine on. take care ok!

And that was.. just another saturday.. Well spent.. But not very productive, on the notion that I've got so many hw to do! WR! Damn. I think sj's come running after me for my part =X

p.s. jing i'm still waiting for your letter..! With the stamp of course, I want canadian stamps. ha.

Off to soccer in another 4 hours!

Monday, August 13, 2007


Finally! The start of the new EPL season. the long wait is over! Haha. Now at least i have something to keep me occupied on weekends..! And pool just won yday's match by a gerrard winner! woot. one freekick to remember. aiya. dunno why la. i'm like zihai or smth. lol. the beggining of another cycle? hell yea.

Travelling back in space, it's a race for my place
Complacency gets me in place, i'm off without a trace
Opsey dazey, I'm just so pacy, you can see me blazin'
I can't even spell these words even it's simple like abc
Learnt things the easy way, now i see hard tough, tough harder
Fire crackers off in the sky, i'm way up in the sky, even higher
Just a sinner askin' to be forgiven, I'm in seventh heaven
God tells me there's one of him, to the point of no return
Regret, that's what I said, you gotta live to the fullest
Gettin paid for bein' laid, like a bubble 'bout to burst
Maximise your potential, frailed when I fail to hit the nail
Hup-hup, seconds left with one to trail, what does this entail?
This is your turn to burn, like a clockwise turn on the clock
Symbolisin' your time's runnin' out, bullet thru' a shot
Your candle like hope.. always diminishin'.. Thru life.. Alwayz wishin'..
Not to be betrayed.. But that's life.. always greyed..

Hope it's not too bad. Opz please.

it's just that.. I've just had another cycle, skimming thru some of the past.. It's just stupid. Haha. Hope I'll never have to repeat that cycle. thx 'guys.

Sunday, August 05, 2007



Something so far..

And ever so near.

Gunnin' down the troops of liberty, that's the problem with me
I can't sit on the fence and do nothin', that's not like me
When he turns a blind eye to what the truth has to say
He ain't got no proof, tuggin' it out with his homies, today
Or yesterday, Monday to Friday, Friday to Sunday
I'm battlin' for honours fightin' for a future pay
The way of life...? Hmm.. I'm free from treachery, search my treasury
Brotherhood or mankind.. Behold the blood soaked in this weaponry...

That day I came over to this place with no labels or warnings
Death at the end, it's anger over shy, dagger for killin'
The special one, claimed to be the filial one, never enough fun
Three two one, Three to one, it's close to none, you laugh and I run
No joke told like the innocent folk, see where you gettin' at?
It's words with clotted blood, see where the threat is at?
The rat is reared, the brat is here, like how much dread is feared
Nothin' severe, accelerate the gear when death is near..

When you told me rap won't work, this quirk attitude
I was just a little jerk livin' in his world, call me a rube
Shake this head off, what's that, you scared, 'ab? You were dissin' me too
I was a fool to listen to you! And that sunshine ray
I couldn't trust what you said, but I think that's okay to me
At least, that smirk on your face when I saw you that day
Like you spending seventeen like fifty, me spendin' seventeen
Like I was thrifty, to think that I've grown out of my teen
Longer than you did, more than you know, but that's how it goes
When time's spent, emotion grows, and from then we started to roll
Wait a sec, like 'spend some time with me' was our signal
When lone creeps to reap me apart, this line keeps flowin'
Through time, space, you've seen me blazin', and pacin' off
'The Death' was more than you think, like jesus, blowing off
He was revived on easter, the sunday of resurrection
Secular, back in spectacular fashion..

And the ideal world,
Beyond complexion..

Somethin' ever so far.

Didn't really focus on flow.
Just had these thoughts runnin' thru my mind after Saturday morning.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I think almost everyone feels this fear once in a while. When you're forgotten.

Have been having the same dream about something that I don't even know if it's true. I'm not really bothered by it, just felt that I had to jot it down somewhere for me to recall about it. Let's see if it's really true. Havent been in the right frame of mind lately.

Guess what.

I miss a lot of people.

My family, my relatives, my close friends.

It comforts me somehow, to know these people still remember.
That despite the fact my handphone and com is spoilt.
(I'm using my laptop now. Ain't that sad!)


Anyway, thanks to Aidan for that 1+ hr of conversation we had that day. No matter how long u've been gone, I can't forget this friend of mine. It's been some 2,3 years, and it's amazing we can still chat like bestest of friends. To like share so many common topics, I was so happy to be able to talk to him. =D

And Jing. I've received ur letter and replied to it asap. I feel so touched to receive your postcard! =D But the thing now is, o.g. 27 has been torn to pieces. We no longer contact each other anymore, coupled by the fact my com and hp's spoilt. That's worse. I somehow feel kinda irrelavant to a lot of things out there. It's just weird la. I hope all of us can still chat like good friends, but it's hard. Everyone has got their own lives to live.

Even my three very nice 'sisters' =D We can still chat and talk rubbish I hope, although it wasnt too long ago we did that =D And for someone who chu lian le! Hope everything goes out smoothly for you. Anything must update me! =D

To Jun Wei, thanks for going out to the concert with me! It's surprising how we can still be such good friends after being such a total idiotic, selfish bastard I was back in sec 2. Ha. But it's over, I'm just looking forward to a lot of things, amongst which includes the end of promos and PW. These are just short term goals.

And please, if I havent included ur name here, it's just that I feel there's somethings that words can tell. I'd rather keep it in my heart, even if one day, anything's forgotten.

You'll Never Walk Alone.


Saturday, July 21, 2007


Everything seems so fast.. I can barely rmbr what I've done for the past few weeks.

Just a recount of a few things:

Yesterday's class was absolutely interesting. The class like went mad. Everyone was joking in every lesson. Yet somehow, everyone was focussed too. I like my class, the guys. The girls i cant really make any comment cause I've yet to really talk to them. Even if i do, the manner which they respond just makes me lose my appetite.

Not that the guys in class havent really put in enough effort. In fact, I think people like Jian Yao, Eugene and I, we're trying very hard to promote interaction between the class. But why cant everyone tell? It's just. Aiya.

Anyways, Chinese class was totaly rubbish. 2 hours of nonsense. Mr Gan was going through the 成語練習. the scenario was like this:

Mr Gan: 目空一切是什麽意思?
Class: 不知道!
Mr Gan: 目空一切就是很像很驕傲的人啊!我們這班有沒有?
Class: 宇淵!
Me: 我?!
Mr Gan: 是嗎?可是目空一切的人也是要有本事啊!看宇淵這樣的人,怎麽可能目空一切?
Me: ...

Chem Lesson:

(Jun kang throws rubbish, misses the bin)
Mr Goh: Jun Kang go and throw the paper!
Jun Kang: But it went in what!
Mr Goh: No, it didnt!
JK: HA! Parallax Error!

LOL. What the hell is going on??

Today my mum and I went to see Mr Gan for meet the parents session. Didn't get a scolding from my mum, she was very understanding in fact. =D Mr Gan was saying i'm a very 開朗,但開朗不代表隨便. But my mum disagreed. It was more like a crapping session in fact. But Mr Gan was saying he knows that I can do better. And he's worried. After I left the class MR Gan gave me a pat on my back. That made me felt a lot better. He said that it's no more life in jc now, and that I agree. really gotta start buckin' up. Means no more writing, no more hanging out. It's plain stupidity la actually. But to think that everyone is putting in so much effort, makes me feel i should abide by it. Lol. Had a little chat with aidan online. He's doing pretty much well now. And he's hoping to see me soon! i'm just glad not to be forgotten by some of my close friends. But till then, maybe a solitude will tell who they are.

In the meantime, since my hp's spoilt and so is my com, i dont have a choice. Hope everyone can help update me on ur numbers coz i've lose everyone's contacts!


To the you who's reading this line now,

Monday, July 02, 2007

Where we left.. And still at where we left.

S03 at sentosa.

Quite a few of us went.

Victoria, Polly, Dan Fong, Phoebe, Pong, Hazel, Shirley, Yoo, Sharon, Shawn, Lucas, Mark and myself! ha.

This was the class that had so much fun together. Or, maybe, just a few of us, as I realised not everything turned out the way it was supposed to be.

I don't really wanna go into the details, but I feel it's totally different now. Everything is different, people change. And that makes me ponder sometimes, is it worth my time?

Friends, especially good friends are hard to come by, maybe a few will be good enough. Friend treasurer? No matter how much, how great a friend you can be, people will never know unless they acknowledge such a fact.

So to people who feel that they do need to tell someone spccial something, don't be afraid, just let it out. People never know unless you allow them to know.

Three friends whom I don't really got to know, but I really do treat them as friends, good one. But the things that they do, makes me feel like.. We're still at where we left.. And maybe a foot further.

P.S. For the three of you who'll never know, thanks! =D

Sunday, June 24, 2007

And so she went...

3 morning calls ensured I woke up on time XD Thanks patricia, yu chuan, jing nan! but jing nan called me at like 8.10. I was already on my way there but she had just left her house - JURONG! Omg?

I reached there at around 8.25. Second to arrive. Upon arrival someone tapped my shoulder from the back. YU CHUAN! With his big eye-blacks that was ever-so evident. Haha. Actually I was really tired too, but for this special friend, I had to sacrifice my sleep =/

Minutes later ruizhe joined us. But he was actually there earlier than any of us. 8, as I heard from yu chuan. By this time it was already 8.30, but she had just left her house not so long ago. Rui Zhe's stomache was rumbling, so we went to Mac to grab a bite. Yu Chuan was browsing through the photo album which I rushed to get it done last night. Some of the photo quality are quite bad, but there's nothing I could do! I think it's Wan Ting's camera that's the problem. Yup.

Anyways, I reserved one special card for Yu Chuan to write something for Jing Nan. Just a pity I should have reserved one for Rui Zhe too. He was, afterall, a part of her life.

Yu Chuan was fiddling around with my faulty phone, in attempt to try to rescue it. But to no avail. I should have it repaired asap I guess =X

9.15. Everyone started to panic. Her flight's at 10.50 and she should have been here a long time ago to check in. So we called like n times, but she didn't pick up. 9.25. Finally she called. And guess what. She had already checked in and having her breakfast.. At TERMINAL 1.

Lucky all of us are patient people. We didn't mind running that extra distance and going through all the trouble for her. Haha. She should thank us ok!

And so we went.

To terminal 1 of course. By the skytrain. It's been a long time since I've taken the skytrain actually, but it really is 15283125 times slower than the MRT! lol. But lucky for us not many people were taking the skytrain. I recall the other time taking the skytrain with so many people boarding! Took us so long to get through. Ha.

At terminal 1, we met up with JingNan at the departure hall. She with her 2 best-est buddies from her secondary school. And it was kinda funny, 'cause as yu chuan said, girls always take very very very VERY long to bid farewells. Haha. They had so much things to talk about that we didn't really converse with jing nan. We managed to get a glimpse of her mum though. She looked so young! I think 30 given her looks. Honestly.


Patricia kept reminding me to give her a big hug. We'll not see each other for another 3 years I guess? And by then I'll probably be in the army! Hmm. Hope things will go fine for her.

9:58 was the time written on the clock at the airport. It was time to go in. Her mum hurried her to check in while she was so reluctant to leave. Us too. So reluctant to let her go. We'll definitely miss you, jing. For the moments we all had together, all the jokes and laughter we shared, all the fun and problem-sharing time we had. This kind of friends don't come too often. Like how you helped me get past my state of slump after I broke up, I hope you'll remember how we helped each other out. Give yourself chances. There's more things outside of singapore. Much guys, more girls. HAHA! Ok, that's besides the point, but this chance will be a very good one for you to experience and learn things from the outside world. Whilst you continue to educate and upgrade yourself, forget us not.

You were really the best girl-friend I ever had.
And nothing much else words can say.
We'll all miss you.

And so she went...

(p.s. DAMN! Forget to take photos!)